Faith Walk

Faith Walk

“For we walk by faith, not by sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Meditateo walk by Faith is the opposite of walking by sight. When you walk by sight, you are only walking with the aid of your mind—your flesh. A fleshy walk exposes you to demonic activities and makes you susceptible to the attack of the enemy. However, faith walk is word walk by the Spirit’s work.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17.

American clergy and author, Norman Vincent Peale advised, “Change your thoughts and you change the world.” Closer to home, it would suffice to also change your world. Your thoughts move to influence decisions and affect your actions. See Proverbs 23:7, Romans 10:9-10, Mark 11:24.

To be inspired by the word firstly requires meditation of God’s Word. What you ponder on becomes part of your life, spirit, soul, and eventually affects your body. Walking by faith means that you make good use of the insights and truths that settled in your mind in your time of meditation.

Ultimately, this means that you need to have God’s word in your heart. I heard of a woman who struggled with putting God’s word inside of her. So, she prayed to God to help her out and stamp His words on her heart. Then she got hold of a book that ministered an answer to her misery.

In the book, the author shared a story of how she had gotten out of a similar situation. While she studied, she wrote out the verses that struck her on sticky notes and note pads. She stuck a few on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, and bedroom walls. Everywhere she went, she carried one or two index notes in her purse and prayed over herself with its content.

All scriptures are given to by the inspiration of God, so all scriptures are power-packed to deliver an overcomer’s life to believers. Search the scriptures for relevant verses as it pertains to your area of concerns. Once you have steadied yourself in God’s Word, begin to appropriate every divine insight that you receive and act on the word in faith.


The Holy Spirit acts on God’s word in our heart to bring about miracles. We can say that God’s Word is self-sufficient and self-fulfilled because it is Spirit-energized! (Isaiah 55:1)

God’s Word is categorized into two levels—the logos and the rhema. The Greek word, logos, refers to the constant and written word of God outlined in the Bible. It is the word of God we have in our hands.

Rhema is the lesser-known Greek word that refers to the instant, personal speaking of God to us. And this is the voice of the Holy Spirit. His voice may permeate our hearts as we ponder on the logos of God’s word. It could come as a word of instruction, wisdom, or knowledge. Usually, it is characterized by God personally reaching out to us internally or externally.

God expects us to follow His leading by faith. When we walk following the dictates of His voice, He fills us with power enough to exercise faith over doubts. Your faith life is what gives you command and authority over the devil, death, and fear.


What kind of miracle do you desire in your life? What are your aspirations, hopes, and expectations from the Lord? I have good news for you: everything you will ever need is already available in God’s kingdom.

But it takes a conscious decision to obtain your heritage from the Lord. Consider what God said to the Isrealites in Psalm 81:10

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”

He observed in verse 11.

“But my people would not listen to me; Israel will not submit to me.”

God wants you to take (listen to) His words and proclaim it (How? Opening your mouth wide). When you speak God’s word to the void atmosphere of sicknesses, stress, difficulties, and fear; He will fill the situation up with whatever you declared!


Your faith walk is the Word walk powered by the Spirit’s work! And when you walk in faith, you become a terror to every form of fear that once hung around you.