

Whether you are experiencing fear in your life, work, family, or health, you must be aware that the negativity stems from the spiritual realm. Usually, the spiritual realm controls the physical. Doubt is introduced into the mind through a natural encounter, but it is fanned into fear by the operation of the demonic spirits.ear is a tool of deceit wielded in the hands of the enemy. Some people have defined its acronym to mean a False (F) Evidence (E) Appearing (A) Real (R) in our lives. I stand to support the opinion that fear is unreal! Instead, it is the devil’s stunts to pull and place you on the ground.

Consider the wave of the COVID-19 pandemic which shook the faith of many across the world, leaving most vulnerable to the enemy. During the period, the evil one exercised the chance to permeate people’s lives with unwanted sicknesses and diseases and losing their lives in the process. Matter of fact, a higher percentage of recorded death must have been riddled by its fear than its feel.

But here’s the good news: a believer can superimpose the force of faith over the planes of fear and doubts. So, quit panicking or fainting, you have the power over the enemy by faith! The Scripture said that as a man thinks, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)

Your boldness and confidence in God is the needed weapon for triumph over fear. When you activate your faith and take positive actions, you are automatically showing fear the doorway out!

What you must know about Fear

  • Fear cripples and imprisons.
  • Fear brings about torments.
  • Fear binds its victim.
  • Fear sabotages the life of its victim.
  • Fear births pains, sorrows, and sadness.
  • Fear brings sicknesses and diseases.
  • However, we can choose Faith over Fear now by the mercies and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!

What are you afraid of?

Is your fear, Cancer?

Is your fear, AIDS?

Is your fear, Lupus?

Is your fear, Mental illness, and Depressions?

Is your fear, Barrenness?

Is your fear, Sickle cell?

Is your fear, Ulcer?

Is your fear, Poverty, and the Lack of a Good Paying Job?

Is your fear, Leprosy?

Is your fear, Suicide?

Is your fear, Deafness, and Blindness?

Is your fear, Epilepsy, and Paralysis?

There is hope for you today through Christ’s redemptive blood! There is hope and solution through the power and Spirit of Jesus Christ. Even right now while you are reading, receive your healings and miracles by power and fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus mighty name, Amen!

Choose Faith over your Fears!

Choose your healing over sickness and disease. Opt for your deliverance instead of all oppressions. Believe in God for His miraculous deeds rather than the enemy for his dubious acts. Every time you are tempted or confronted by demons or the power of darkness, pray to God for faith over all fears in Jesus’ name, Amen!

By the Spirit of God, there is a victory for you in the most critical circumstance. As you plead the blood of Jesus over your mind, soul, and spirit; every demon in hell, evil spirits, and satanic angels causing afflictions in your life will bow to you! They’ll have all their nasty butt whooped right back into hell!

You need to understand that you’re redeemed to live in sound health at all times. Infirmities and afflictions are not commonplace in your body, soul, or spirit. Rather, they belong to the burning hell! So, it’s time to confront your fears in faith!

Prayers of Faith over Fear

  • I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind in Jesus’ name, Amen!
  • Heavenly Father, I thank you for not giving me the spirit of fear but of faith over fear, power, and sound mind in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
  • LORD, thank you for paralyzing the demons of fear in my heart, mind, soul, and body in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
  • Arise O God, give me faith instead of fear and give me the grace to choose faith over fear, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
  • Arise, O LORD, remove every affliction of sickness, disease, poverty, and pains caused by Satan and his demons in my life and body, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!
  • Arise O LORD, let me be healed from every Cancer, in Jesus name, Amen!
  • LORD, arise, remove the fear of COVID-19 from the nations of the earth, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!
  • Arise O LORD, remove every demon of pain, affliction and disease from my soul and body, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!